Florist Mentoring.

Tutoring & Mentoring.

If you are an aspiring florist wanting to delve into the world of floristry or if you already are a florist who wants to enhance your skills while gaining an in depth understanding of technique and the aesthetics of floral design, Our practical-focused Florist Tutoring and Mentoring Programs are your gateway to mastering the art of floristry with a hands-on perspective. From large-scale flower installations to wedding bouquets, and the essentials of running a successful floral business, our programs have it all. Dive into the world of practical floral arranging techniques and theory. Learn how to create stunning flower arrangements, harnessing the power of your unique creativity and vision.

What you can learn and a Practical Approach to Technique

Aesthetic Eye with a Concentration on Colour and design

Develop a discerning aesthetic eye that focuses on the intricate use of colour and the elements of design. Explore the psychology and theory of colours and discover how to create visual masterpieces that evoke emotions.

Table arrangements

Create unique, modern and creative vase table flower arrangements using an array of Eastern and Western techniques

Large-Scale Floral Flower Installations

Embrace the grandeur of large-scale modern floral installations. Understand the principles of balance, proportion, and mechanical structures to craft jaw-dropping creations for professional displays, special events and spaces.

Elegant Buttonholes and Corsages

Jump into the finer details with buttonholes and corsages. Learn the art of crafting these small yet significant floral accents, often seen at weddings and formal gatherings.

Mastering Floral Bouquets

Create bouquets that tell stories. We'll guide you through the art of crafting various bouquet styles, from timeless classics to contemporary arrangements that impress for receptions, welcoming parties, events and wedding bouquets.

The Business of Floristry

Flourishing in the floral industry goes beyond artistry. Our program provides essential knowledge on business aspects, including pricing and costs, marketing, sourcing, and effective management.

Upcoming Sessions and Dates.

coming soon…

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